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کل بازدید : 2709
کل یادداشتها ها : 2
درمورد استاندارد های سرویس میل MEMI و RFC822
الف)مخفف هرکدارم را ذکر کنید؟
پروتکل MIME مخفف عبارت (Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions) می باشد.
ب)توضیح هر کدام راحداقل یک پاراگراف بیان کنید؟
برای ارسال داد ه های مالتی مدیا از قبیل تصویر Video و Audio یا دیگر قالب های غیراسکی به کار می رود. به منظور ارسال این گونه داده ها، کارگزار کاربر یا(user agent) باید شامل سرآیندها یا (header) اضافی باشد.
متون بسیار کامل ولی خشک و ثقیل که در مورد مفاهیم مختلف شبکه بحث میکنند. این فایلها به صورت متنی و با پسوند txt هستند و بهعنوان مرجع (برای مراجعه و نه مطالعه کامل) کاربرد دارند. این فایلها یکبار منتشر شده و هرگز تغییر داده نمیشوند (حتی اگر حاوی اشتباه باشند.)
- لیست مشهورترین RFCها
+General Information
RFC1360 IAB Official Protocol Standards
RFC1340 Assigned Numbers
RFC1208 Glossary of Networking Terms
RFC1180 TCP/IP Tutorial
RFC1178 Choosing a Name for Your Computer
RFC1175 FYI on Where to Start:
A Bibliography of Inter-networking Information
RFC1173 Responsibilities of Host and Network Managers:
A Summary of the Oral Tradition of the Internet
RFC1166 Internet Numbers
RFC1127 Perspective on the Host Requirements RFCs
RFC1123 Requirements for Internet Hosts—Application and Support
RFC1122 Requirements for Internet Hosts—Communication Layers
RFC1118 Hitchhiker"s Guide to the Internet
RFC1011 Official Internet Protocol
RFC1009 Requirements for Internet Gateways
RFC980 Protocol Document Order Information
+TCP and UDP
RFC1072 TCP Extensions for Long-Delay Paths
RFC896 Congestion Control in IP/TCP Internetworks
RFC879 TCP Maximum Segment Size and Related Topics
RFC813 Window and Acknowledgment Strategy in TCP
RFC793 Transmission Control Protocol
RFC768 User Datagram Protocol
+IP and ICMP
RFC1219 On the Assignment of Subnet Numbers
RFC1112 Host Extensions for IP Multicasting
RFC1088 Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
NetBIOS Networks
RFC950 Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure
RFC932 Subnetwork Addressing Schema
RFC922 Broadcasting Internet Datagrams in the Presence of Subnets
RFC9l9 Broadcasting Internet Datagrams
RFC886 Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging
RFC815 IP Datagram Reassembly Algorithms
RFC814 Names, Addresses, Ports, and Routes
RFC792 Internet Control Message Protocol
RFC791 Internet Protocol
RFC781 Specification of the Internet Protocol (IP) Timestamp Option
+Lower Layers
RFC1236 IP to X.121 Address Mapping for DDN
RFC1220 Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions for Bridging
RFC1209 Transmission of IP Datagrams over the SMDS Service
RFC1201 Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks
RFC1188 Proposed Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
over FDDI Networks
RFC1172 Point-to-Point Protocol Initial Configuration Options
RFC1171 Point-to-Point Protocol for the Transmission of
Multiprotocol Datagrams over Point-to-Point Links
RFC1149 Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian
RFC1055 Nonstandard for Transmission of IP Datagrams over
Serial Lines: SLIP
RFC1044 Internet Protocol on Network System"s HYPERchannel:
Protocol Specification
RFC1042 Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
IEEE 802 Networks
RFC1027 Using ARP to Implement Transparent Subnet Gateways
RFC903 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RFC895 Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
Experimental Ethernet Networks
RFC894 Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
Ethernet Networks
RFC893 Trailer Encapsulations
RFC877 Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
Public Data Networks